Thursday, October 29, 2015

Back at the Gym--New Staff??

Good morning lovely people!

Yesterday was my first official day back at working out. I have gotten a wake up call! It was a reality check for me when I went to the doctors on October 26. I don't want to be too emotional but it was so embarrassing when the topic of my weight came up. I HAVE NEVER WANTED TO BE ONE OF THOSE PEOPLE.

With that said, I went running yesterday for the first time in a couple of weeks (months??) and it was amazing. I've missed having a routine and being able to go shopping with a smaller waist and leaner legs. I went running yesterday and I was able to do some conditioning exercises. I incorporated some ab sequences, yoga and worked on my legs. I mean, who else wants a good looking but?? LOL. You're lying if you say you don't want that bubble but everyone talks about. I personally want the bubble but for myself. Who cares what boys think anyway? I want to be hot FOR ME. I want to be sexy FOR ME. And later, if the right guy appreciates it, it's a win win situation.

BUT anyway, back to the post. I went to the gym this morning and I was shocked. I have always been one of the those gym fitness addicts that new the staff by first name and had long conversations with them. When I was going regularly, they greeted me by name and we were friends. It may sound weird but I loved those conversations. It's such an amazing feeling to connect with like minded people, people who understand why you wake up at 6am to go workout and why you want to workout again at 10pm or midnight or 3am. It's such an addiction and a relief when you're working up a sweat. It balances me honestly. I am NOT myself when I don't work out and I'm not focused on my health. Its weird but it drives me. It motivates me.

This morning, I was greeted by virtually a stranger. As I was working out, I didn't recognize any of the personal trainers or staff at the front desk. I was just a nobody and it was peculiar. I wanted that feeling and those conversations again. I need to create a routine and take it day by day. I will return to the gym and hopefully make some new friendships.

I am so excited but I don't want to get ahead of myself. It's a new week and I'm ready to continue. Who's with me??


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