Monday, November 2, 2015

5 Reasons Everyone Should Wake Up Earlier

Time to rise and shine everyone!

Waking up early to some people is the worst fate in the world. However, waking up early has so many great benefits! I personally have been struggling with this (who hasn't?) but with this new month in tow, it's time to be up with the worms! 

1. No One Else is Up

Imagine, especially if you have roommates or a big family quiet time is rare. It's almost unheard of! But when you're up even 15 minutes earlier than everyone, you have some alone time. You get to organize your thoughts, your room, take your time with your morning routine before the craziness erupts. I love this time of the morning, it's serene and definitely worth it. With this extra time, you can do anything! 

2. You're able to Manage Your Time More Wisely

Being up early is like the clouds parting on a sunny day. You gain clarity, and visibility! Now, you can create your schedule for the day and work on those time management skills. It's hard to manage your time and break down the day. But you can do this! Now, you have time to create a healthier choice of meals for the day, and create the time when you want to work out. There's no rush and it won't feel like there's not enough hours in the day when truly we all have the same amount of hours. Time is precious, don't spend it sleeping but make those wise decisions.

3. NO Excuses

With more time on your hands by now being the early bird, there's truly no excuses! How can you say you don't have time to workout? How can you say you're too busy? How can you say you're too tired? You can't! If you're up early, GO workout! If you're planning your day, pencil in the time to workout! There's no excuses so push those negative thoughts away and go for a run!

4.  You're More Productive

Time is a game changer in life. The more you have, or the earlier you start your day, the more things you get done! Just 15 minutes earlier, or even an hour earlier gives you more time in the day to get that checklist done and more! Every time I wake up earlier, it's surreal on how much I can get done. I'm done with my morning routine, I've made my bed, cleaned up my room, check my email, make coffee for the whole family, and have breakfast by the time I'd normally get up. How crazy is that? See how time is precious and how time is so valuable. Plan your day, get all those things you want done on your checklist and you'll be amazed! 

5. Breakfast 

BREAKFAST TIME (enough said). Every health article and anything related to foods will mention how important breakfast is. I LOVE breakfast foods and would eat them anytime of the day. Waffles, pancakes, yogurt, bananas, coffee, parfait's, the list goes on! But it's so easy to skip breakfast or grab a donut on the way to work. By giving yourself the gift of time, you've allowed room to eat breakfast. A good nutritious breakfast that will curb your hunger till lunch. If that's not enough reason to wake up early in the morning, I don't know what is. 


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