Monday, April 11, 2016

April 11, 2016

Author's Note:

Hello lovelies! I know it's been awhile since I've posted. I have no excuse to give other than that life happens. It's been a few crazy months, including my laptop not working. Going to the library is not the same neither is using someone else's laptop. It's harder to stay consistent when you don't have a direct access to a computer anymore. I do apologize for that.

I'll start with what you've missed over the past few months. First, Happy New Year! 2016 is here and it's a little surreal. Another year has passed and a lot has changed. Superficially, a change occurred but I feel I've had a lot of change mentally, emotionally and spiritually.  On the outside, I've become more aware of my skin care routine, I'm working out and making fitness a lifestyle. I am focused on implementing small changes into my life and changing up my workouts (ex: biking and working out my upper body). My diet has definitely improved and I've started drinking smoothies regularly in the morning and getting my fruit intake. I'm loving trying new things and being more conscious of what I eat but not restricitng myself to the point of being unhappy.

Mentally, I've improved and made a lot of progess but there's still so much to overcome. I am working on being more fearless, being less afraid of things I've never tried before and allowing myself to do something diferent. I'm incorporating it in my workouts and working past those obstacles. Every obstacle has an angle and there's always a way to get through. I won't get into how much has changed for me emotionally and spritually but overtime I think we all can agree that there's some small changes and drastic differences.

I am excited to start posting again very soon and I have many new pictures to post! Stay tuned.


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