Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Week 1 -DONE


I am down with one week of fitness focus and creating a healthier (and hotter) me. I have never been one of those people who celebrate little successes because to me, the big finish line is the one you celebrate. But is that positive? The answer is NO folks. In order to remain consistent, I really need to celebrate the little wins. Because they're so important. We have to happy with where we are right now, in this moment because even though it may not seem like it-we're changed. One week ago, I was stuck in a rut just living day to day feeling exhausted and bloated and just uncomfortable. Now, I am up early ready for the day after I get in a good workout. Isn't that strange? Just one week, makes a difference. And that's why we have to celebrate the little wins. Because in a month, I can't expect to be happy with my body unless I continue to celebrate the little changes. You can't keep waiting or expecting to be happy in the future if you're not happy right now. How silly is that?

Imagine this: a man who is unhappy while he's poor and working to become rich will still be unhappy when he's rich. Why? Because he was never happy in the moment and the place he was at before. You have to maintain the attitude in order to allow change and the transformation to really make an impact.

This week has flown by in a retrospective sense. But honestly, it takes one week to notice the change. I already see the difference- I'm listening to my body, I'm drinking more water and I'm remaining positive. This week, I didn't work out for two days but life happens!

Those first three days, I was sore and putting my body through something new. It was a crazy weekend and I didn't have the time on Saturday and Sunday. But I was able to workout on Monday and push ahead. I don't want to punish myself for missing those two days because why should I? It's my first week, I am still finding out what's my limit. And my body needed those rest days. It's okay. I feel great and I am still motivated and ready to continue!


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