Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Fun Fact: Your diet matters

December 15

I have a hard time wrapping my brain around the fact that sometimes going to the gym, twice a day, for six days a week doesn't ensure weight loss. You have to be willing to change your diet. You have to be willing to listen to your body. Sometimes, cutting out all the "bad foods" isn't the solution. Over the past couple months I've come to the conclusion (through research) that moderation IS the key. Everything in moderation is what all fitness sources advise. And they're right. You can eat the big chuck of brownie or have that piece of chocolate at the end of that day. It's okay! Don't try and completely eliminate all the "bad foods" like dessert or *gasp* chocolate. Just portion control and treat yourself.

Close your eyes. Take a deep breath. Inhale. Exhale. And Again. What is your body telling you? Are you really hungry right now? Are you really craving those snicker bars hidden in your pantry? Or are you just bored?

Everytime I try and restrict myself---it doesn't work. What I mean by that is, it last for maybe a few weeks or a month depending on how discipline I get. But in the long run, it doesn't last at all. I start craving the chocolate, cookies, ice cream and end up unhappy. The solution is to have it in the house but choose wisely. First, grab some fruit, throw some fiber in your lunch and eat your vegetables at dinner. And if your still wanting a couple cookies at the end of the day---eat that too! It's okay!


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