Saturday, December 5, 2015

Why Having Good Habits Enable Weight Loss

Dec. 5

Whenever I research different weight loss methods, techniques, "diets", best workouts it all comes back to one thing: good habits. Essential, you need good habits to continue to drink your body weight in water, then to workout in the morning, do cardio 5-7x per week and throw in a bit of yoga to lengthen your muscles and help with soreness. It's all there, with eating and working out. But most I personally struggle with consistency and remaining motivated to workout. It's hard-it's a lot of mental toughness and good habits. But habits is essential.

I believe in the concept of it takes twenty one days to make a habit. It really is important and it is essential in curbing your bad habits and implementing new ones in your lifestyle. Don't over exert yourself and try running 6 days a week out of the blue for twenty-one days. But try baby steps such as drinking water before every meal and between meals. Find what works for you: buy a LOT of water bottles, don't keep anything but water in sight or just simply drink water before you're starting to find it delicious (me too).

If I may I'm going to be as honest I can here. I constantly struggle with maintaining good habits when it involves my weight and diet. I have periods where I am strict, I am relentless and for a moment I lose a couple pounds and then I get distracted. I start cravings foods like pizza, salty fries, chocolate and oreos and cake and I let those cravings win. But for a long time, I never understood the concept of everything in moderation. I thought if I just stopped eating those foods I would lose more weight quickly and be happy. But I wasn't happy when I lost the weight which is why I gained it all back. And this cycle kept repeating for a long time.

I am choosing to break the cycle. It's a journey. All of this is a journey. I have the discipline, I just haven't had the right mindset. One day at a time is the motto. Everyday I wake up, I try to listen to my body, to listen to my cravings and to trust myself. I will lose the weight but I will be happy when I do. For now, there's no restrictions, there's no 30 day this and that but instead it's one day. This morning I was sleepy and feeling a little under the weather. Instead of being obsessed with going for a run, I slept in a little, woke up and drank my coffee. It is now the afternoon and I'm feeling better. I feel up for a long run, I feel up to going to work out because I truly want to. I am not going to a drill sergeant with myself, instead I will listen. I'll go for a walk, go for that long run and listen to my body.


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